Greg Rickaby

Greg Rickaby

Cameras and Code

Use Dropbox to take and share screenshots

Did you know you can use Dropbox to take and share screenshots? You can and it’s as easy as enabling the option.

1) Turn on Dropbox screenshot sharing

Open Dropbox settings, and enable “Share screenshots using Dropbox”.

2) Take a screenshot

Now it’s time to use a keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot. Don’t worry, after a few times, this will become second nature!

CMD + SHIFT + 4 – captures a selected area
CMD + SHIFT + 3 – captures the whole desktop

ALT + PRINTSCREEN – captures the active windows
CONTROL + PRINTSCREEN – captures the whole desktop

3) Share the screenshot

Dropbox automatically copies the screenshot URL to your clipboard and gives you a notification:

All you need to do is paste the URL!


CMD + SHIFT + 4 not working on your Mac?

Open “System Preferences” and navigate to “Keyboard” and then “Shortcuts”. Enable all the options.

Screenshots saving to your desktop instead of Dropbox?

Sometimes the default directory for screenshots gets changed to your desktop. We can change the directory using the terminal. Open the terminal and type the following:

$ defaults write location /Users/yourname/Dropbox/Screenshots/

Now restart the system UI:

$ killall SystemUIServer

Category: Code

Tags: how to


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